Lunaria Archives


Jala is a Cygnusian terrestrial desert planet that contains a lot of desert stories written here. It is located in Milky Way Galaxy's Delta Quadrant. It also has history of wars rather than desert stories written. It has little amounts of water, as it had history of massive wars and nor near the star. It only reachable via Hawth himself because he is only capable reaching speed of light. Without him is not possible to current technology of Azeroth because Jala is located another star system, its distance was measured by Dalaran mages to 250 light year, according to Khadgar himself. Jaina also can open her teleportion rifts but she doesn't know that planet's orbit and location, can cause open portals to demon dimension or orc planet if she opens wrong portal. It is only reachable and travelled by two entities: Elytra and Hawth Bowserth.

Elytra is angel-like female paladin who studies of astronomy and the science of the universe, she also has teleportion rift opening ability. She can teleport herself to Jala in the seconds, but her teleportion has cooldown, its duration is 1 days.

Hawth always travel entire universe via his immearsuable speeds, he can arrive this planet 30 seconds without his teleportion ability.

Anduin Wrynn was the first arrival human on Jala in 74 BC via Elytra herself.

Jala contains its habitants, sand orcs, sandworms and sand sharks, fire spirits and living tornadoes. Al'Akir was born this planet.



